Liisa Mäkelä
Ankkuri 3.floor (K313)

I am Professor in the University of Vaasa . I am Docent in the Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics. I have been a visiting scholar in Monash University (Melbourne).
I received my first Ph.D in 2009 (Economics and Business Administration) from the University of Vaasa and my second Ph.D in 2016 (Philosophy, main subject Psychology) from the University of Tampere.
I have a long-term teaching experience and currently teaching in HRM Master's program. I am supervising Master's and Doctoral Thesis.
My research is conducted under the Human Resource Management Research Group at the University of Vaasa which is Finland's largest scientific research group dedicated to examining people management issues in organizations.
With LEADIS-team we study management of remote work and well-being in the challenging era of Corona pandemic.
My research interests focus on the occupational well-being and work-life interface among different types of employees, for instance, supervisors and internationally mobile employees. Leadership and career related issues are also part of my areas of interest as well as development interventions supporting well-being and leadership. I have published my research in international journals and as book chapters.
Please see my publications in Google Scholar
Examples of publications:
Mäkelä, Liisa; Tanskanen, Jussi; De Cieri, Helen (2020). Do Relationships Matter? Investigating the Link Between Supervisor and Subordinate Dedication and Cynicism via the Quality of Leader–Member Exchange. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. DOI: 10.1177/1548051820967010
Mäkelä, L., Kangas, H. & Suutari, V. (2019) Satisfaction with an expatriate job: The role of physical and functional distance between expatriate and supervisor. Journal of Global Mobility, 2019, vol. 7, issue 3, 255-226
Tanskanen, J., Mäkelä, L., Viitala, R. (2018). Linking Managerial Coaching and Leader–Member Exchange on Work Engagement and Performance. Journal of Happiness Studies.