Tuomas Huikkola
Associate Professor (tenure track)

I hold an MSc degree (econ.) from the University of Vaasa (Finland) and MSc degree (philosophy) from the Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona (Spain). Currently I am finalizing my dissertation entitled as "Escaping the commoditization trap by going downstream - How manufacturer manages and alters its capabilities to create wealth from solutions?"
I work as a project researcher in the research program Networked Value Systems (NeVS). I am interested in strategic business development in both established firms and start-up companies.
I teach both in Bachelor and Master level courses. I have been teaching courses on "Yrityksen johtaminen", "Strateginen johtaminen", "Cases in strategic management" and "Research update in strategic management". In addition, I have been supervising Bachelor and MBA theses.
My special interest is in industrial services and the strategic, dynamic, and relational capabilities of manufacturing companies. I have published in a number of journals, including Industrial Marketing Management and Research-Technology Management.
Most recent peer-reviewed journal publications
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M. & Rabetino, R. (2016). Resource Realignment in Servitization. Research-Technology Management59(4), pp. 30-39.
Huikkola, T., Ylimäki, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2013). Joint learning in R&D collaborations and the facilitating relational practices. Industrial Marketing Management 42(7), pp. 1167-1180.