Hydrogen economy in the food system

Currently, hydrogen economy has been under discussion in many European countries. The hydrogen economy has been talked about for a long time, but so far it has not developed into a mainstream. However, the situation is changing as the EU aims to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050.
The transition to a low-cost economy directly affects agriculture and food production as well. In the future, hydrogen can be a major source of energy for food production, Hydrogen is a versatile element and therefore energy is not its only use. There are also many opportunities for the chemical refining of hydrogen, such as the production of fertilizers, which is a good thing to be aware of, especially when it comes to reducing dependence on foreign fertilizers and developing a sustainable food chain. Hydrogen can be used as such as a transport fuel, in industrial processes or even in food industry. Hydrogen can also be used in the production of food packaging plastics and steel.Hydrogen offers an interesting alternative to making more durable fertilizers. It is therefore essential to ask whether there are more sustainable production methods and cheaper resources for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. There is currently a lot of wind power planned in the region of Southern Ostrobothnia that can be used to produce cheap and renewable green hydrogen. In addition, a significant number of photovoltaic parks are planned in the area especially on cutaway peatlands. In the current global situation, it is important to find out whether the self-sufficiency of domestic energy and nitrogen fertilizers can be increased. The aim of the project is to find out whether, in the current global situation, domestic self-sufficiency in energy and nitrogen fertilizers can be increased through hydrogen production. The project will carry out background studies on the potential and role of the hydrogen economy in the food chain, pilot hydrogen production and draw up a roadmap for the transition of the food chain to a hydrogen economy in South Ostrobothnia by 2030.
Project results