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The aim of the project is to increase, strengthen and systematize cooperation between universities and the working life of the region, companies and organizations. This will be done through the various methods of cooperation that will be piloted in the project, as well as by providing new education opportunities for lifelong learning.
The measures will be implemented in co-operation with the Universities of Jyväskylä and Vaasa, companies and organizations in the region, and degree students in the field of economics. Increased co-operation in working life and new opportunities for continuous learning aim to link business research, education and development activities into the geographical area of operation of the university center.
Name: MECCO - methods of companionship and cooperation
Duration: 1.8.2020-31.5.2023
External funding: ESR/Keski-Suomen ELY-keskus (222 182 e), City of Kokkola, Region of Kaustinen, City of Kannus and Municipality of Perho
Budget: 296 239e
Project leader: Jenni Kantola, University Lecturer
Project researchers: Anne-Maria Holma, Associate Professor
Contat person: Jenni Kantola
School/Research group/Research platform at the University of Vaasa: The School of Management
Project coordinator: Chydenius (University of Jyväskylä)