Strategic management, control and analytics in OP group in the digital era. Using AI in analyzing large qualitative empirical data

The project focuses on strategic management, control and analytics in the OP group in the digital era by using AI to analyze exceptionally large qualitative empirical data. This unique qualitative database enables quantitative analysis, especially machine learning -based natural language processing (NLP) in the study. We are using Python and IBM Watson NLP capabilities for advanced text analytics to process and better understand our research data and to support conventional qualitative analysis in order to gain a thorough understanding and reliable scientific conclusions 

The total research project is organized in two research environments. This subproject is conducted by the University of Vaasa and it is carried out by a team of researchers of the School of Accounting and Finance and the Digital Economy Research Platform.We co-operate with theStrategy, Accounting and Leadership as Practice (SALP) research group, a multi-disciplinary research group at the University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics (JSBE).

Project duration
External funding
18 000€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Auditing and control in accounting
Digital Economy
Accounting and Finance
Principal investigator at the University of Vaasa
Contact persons
Organisation coordinating the project
Project partners
Funding partners