Mika Ylinen
University Lecturer
Tervahovi D208
Room D208

I am a member of the Auditing and Control in Accounting research group. Please see my Google Scholar profile for the publications.
Research interests
Management control systems and creativity/innovation, management accounting and digitalization, financial and strategic control methods to environmental management
Management control systems in technical and administrative development projects: The effects of interactive and diagnostic use of project feedback and measurement systems on project innovativeness. Acta Wasaensia 126, (Ph.D. dissertation) Business Administration 49. (2004)
LASK2048 Management Accounting
LASK3038 Advanced Topics in Management Accounting (teaching cases in activity based costing)
LASK1013 Introduction to Accounting (2 hours, introduction to management accounting)
LASK3985 Research III (virtual course during the autumn and lectured course during the spring)
I also supervise Master's and Bachelor's theses in topics related to management accounting
Publications and expert tasks
ยป SoleCRIS Research DatabaseProjects
- 2024 - 2027
- 2021 - 2022
- 2020 - 2022