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Electronic examination system EXAM is in use at the University of Vaasa.
There are several self-study and group-study facilties on campus. These facilities are located in the Fabriikki building as well as in the academic library Tritonia.
In order to diversify study opportunities and to support your studies, the University of Vaasa has an electronic examination service EXAM. With EXAM you can take general exams, maturity exams, literature exams and personal exams, with limited time and access to software and materials. The exams are held in a separate exam room with a computer and real-time video surveillance. The room is also subject to inspection visits.
The examination system EXAM is open to anyone with a valid University of Vaasa user account. The exam rooms are also available to students from other universities participating in EXAM visit. If you take the exam on the premises of another university, you will follow that institution's policies and guidelines. Read more about EXAM visits on the EXAM - Instructions for Students sections Instructions for an exam visit in another organisation and Instructions for exam visit in University of Vaasa.
If you have a medical reason that requires special arrangements for the exam (e.g. allergy, asthma, diabetes, chronic bowel disease), please contact exam(at) at least 5 days before the exam.
If you are entitled to extra time for the exam, please contact exam(at) before the start of the exam period. A personal exam with extra time will be created for you, for which you can reserve an exam time.
The doors of the EXAM rooms are not electrically assisted, so if you need help accessing the exam room (you are in a wheelchair, you have walking sticks, etc.), please contact us in advance.
By using the Electronic Exam Service you agree to abide by the conditions of use. The student consents to audio and video surveillance and to the combining of information of the examinations systems in order to confirm identity.
Privacy Policy of Electronic exam system (in Finnish)
Privacy Policy of Recording video surveillance (in Finnish)
The University of Vaasa has two EXAM rooms. Both of the rooms are available for exam visits.
Outside the exam rooms there are lockers for personal belongings and coat racks.
Centralised examinations are general examinations organized on campus. At the events, it is possible to take final exams, retake exams and exams that have not been held during the teaching period. Exams are paper exams. Education services are responsible for practical arrangements.
If you do not pass, want to improve your grade or do not want to take the first exam offered, two additional opportunities are provided to retake the exam later on. Please note that if you retake an exam in order to improve your grade, the better grade will show in your transcript of records. The transcript will not show the number of attempts in the examination.
Please note: Exchange students might have only one opportunity to take an exam, as the retake exam might be scheduled for the following semester (when the student might already have left Vaasa). Please check exam dates and study for the first exam (period exam) accordingly. Exchange students are also required to stay in Vaasa until they have completed the required exams for the semester or academic year.
The University tries to schedule retakes so that students have an opportunity to retake an exam at least once each semester. However, this is not always possible with courses that run very late in the semester. Some courses may be passed by taking mid-course exams instead or the exam may be included in the class hours and may replace the actual period exam. Some courses may be passed solely by attending enough lessons and lectures. Apart from an exam, course requirements may include, for example, a written assignment. The degree programmes also include courses that are based only on set literature which the student must study independently.
The requirements for completing a course are given in the description of each course. If you need more information on the exam of a certain course, please contact the teacher of the course in question.
Registration for centralized exams will be completely moved to Peppi starting from Autumn term 2023. Webropol forms will not be created for the registration of centralized exams anymore; students will register for exams via Peppi’s new Exams function. Instructions for the exam registration can be found on this site below. In case of any problems with registration you can contact tentit(at)uwasa.
Students must register for an exam at least 5 days in advance (registrations can be made 45 days before the examination date at the earliest). Late registrations will not be accepted. You can not participate in the exam if you have not registered. Notice that your exam is not graded if you have not registered (the Education Council 17.11.2016).
You may cancel your registration for an exam in Peppi three (3) days before the exam date at the latest. If you fail to cancel your registration and do not attend two consecutive exams of the same course or give up two consecutive exams, you should discuss possible need for additional studies or guidance with the reponsible teacher before taking the exam again.
If you want to write two examinations in the same day, please contact Student Services (tentit(at) Please also remember to register for both exams.
For any special arrangements in exams, please contact tentit(at) well before the exam day. For more information about the accessibility in studies visit the webpages Accessible studying.
The exams of the same implementation (first exam and/or retakes) will be arranged at least every 6 weeks, so that there will be enough time to grade the exams and the students will have enough time to enroll for a retake, if needed (and if possible.)
Registration for centralised exams has completely moved to Peppi starting from Autumn term 2023. Instructions for exam registration in Peppi are below.
Studies -> PSP -> Exams tab
From this view, you can register exams suggested for you, and you can see the exams you have registered for.
After clicking the Register button, a new window will pop up. Write in the text field if you have any special needs or other things of note, otherwise leave the field empty. NOTE! If you have special needs, you will still need to send a separate e-mail about the matter to Click the Register button again in order to confirm your registration.
If you can’t find the exam you’re looking for from the exams suggested for you (for example, when you have an existing passed grade which you want to raise,) search for the exam from the exam search.
Student desktop -> Studies -> Exams
Exam search window -> Search with the implementations (courses) code or name
Choose the correct exam and click the Register button. You can also cancel registrations from this view.
Practical Information when participating in an exam:
NB! Plagiarism and cheating in exams is considered serious offence at Finnish universities. Plagiarism or cheating in examination may lead to disqualification of the course result and dismissal from the University for a maximum of one year. The University of Vaasa will inform the immigration officials and police about possible offences if the officials ask for this information when processing e.g. residence permit applications. In addition, if possible employers ask for information about former students of the university, abovementioned offences will be informed to the employers.
In case of exchange students, the International Office of the University of Vaasa will terminate the student’s exchange period immediately and inform her/his home university about the incident.
Please avoid even any suspicion of plagiarism or cheating in examination.
Exam results are to be announced within 30 working days after the exam date. The results of the exams that are organized during June and July are announced by the end of August.
Exam results are to be announced within 30 working days after the exam date. In case of delay, the lecturer or other person responsible for announcing the results will have to inform the students about the delay within the 30 days after the exam.
The assessment criteria are public and you may inquire about the criteria from the examiner. You may have a look at your corrected exam or course work and receive information about the assessment details by visiting the examiner during their office hour. Exam answers are kept in an archive for at least six months after the exam day.
Exam results are displayed in Peppi system. Credits for entire courses are registered to the student register. Courses that include compulsory written exercises or other partial credit units will be registered only after all parts have been completed. For this reason it is important that you, whenever possible, complete the course and all its parts simultaneously.
The student either fails or passes a course. Students who pass the course are graded according to the University of Vaasa grading system in which 1 = sufficient, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, and 5 = excellent, or on a pass/fail basis. In the latter case, the mark ‘hyv.’(pass) appears on the student’s transcript. The transcript of records includes an explanation of the grading scale.
You can check your own record in Peppi system and order You can download an official, digitally-signed transcript of records and study certificate from Peppi.
If the party concerned does not accept your digitally signed document, you may request a signed and stamped paper document by this e-form.
In case you consider the assessment of your examination or course work inadequate, you may ask for a rectification from the respective lecturer within 14 days after the result has been properly announced.
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the request for rectification, you can take the matter to the Degree Committee within 14 days of the time the result was served. The Degree Committee is appointed by the Rector of the University.
Members of the Student Union (all degree students and those postgraduate students who have paid the Student Union fee) may also contact the Secretary of the Student Interests at the Student Union of the University of Vaasa (e-mail: edunvalvontasihteeri(at) in questions about the studies.
You can find information on the ECTS credit system and the comparison between the grading system of the University of Vaasa and the ECTS system here.
Information on distribution of grades per individual courses can be found on Moodle dashboard (login needed).