EXAM - Instructions for Students
- Check out more detailed national instructions.
- If you need special arrangements concerning electronic exams or the exam room, please find more information from Completion and Assessment of Studies, section Special arrangements.
- If you want more information about electronic exams in EXAM system, please send email to exam(at)uwasa.fi.
- Link to the EXAM system.
- Registering for an exam
Registering for an exam
- Open the address https://exam.uwasa.fi and sign in to the system with your University user id and password.
- Go to the section Exams and write either the code of the course / the name of the exam / the name of the examinator.
- Click Book an exam time. In Reservation information -page choose Exam room on your own university and then pick a suitable time for you from the calendar. The calendar gives you a preview for 30 days ahead. Confirm exam time.
- If for health reasons you require an electronic table with a possibility to change its hight, you are able to select it from Accessibility type
- If there are Optional sections in your exam, you need to choose them now.
- Your registration appears to your dashboard and you receive a confirmation to your University e-mail.
- You can cancel or modify your reservation until the time of your reservation. Please act on time so that the exam slot can be used by others.
If the teacher has created a personal exam for you, it will appear on your dashboard automatically. You only need to book a time for the exam.
- Instructions for an exam visit in another organization
Exam visit (in another EXAM organization)
Exam visit means that you take your own university's exam in another organization's Exam room.
You can use an exam visit to take a general exam, a personal exam, or a maturity test.
Before booking a time for your exam in another university, please check- organization's rules and regulations (including the possibility of individual arrangements).
- opening hours and how to access the exam room.
- programs in use
You can find institutions where EXAM visit is possible here https://e-exam.fi/in-english/
Booking time for exam visit:
- Sign in to EXAM with your University's user id and password.
- Find the exam by using the course code / name of the course / name of the examinator. Click Register for the exam.
- To book a time in another organization, click Select room for exam visit.
- Choose the organization from the drop down menu University and after that choose the exam room. (The list shows only those organizations which are using exam visit.)
- Now you will see the booking calendar. Choose a time and confirm exam time. You will receive a confirmation to your University e-mail.
- When you go to take your exam, sign in to EXAM with your University of Vaasa user account.
- Instructions for exam visit in the University of Vaasa
Exam visit in the University of Vaasa
The University of Vaasa has two EXAM rooms. Both of the rooms are available for exam visits.
- F222 is located on the 2nd floor of Fabriikki (Yliopistonranta 10). Use the main entrance on the sea side or the elevator next to it or the staircase. There are 12 exam computers available for examinees, of which 2 are accessible.
- D122 is located on the 1st floor of Tervahovi at the sea end of the building. The entrance to the building is either through the main door of Tervahovi (Wolffintie 34) or through the doors on both sides of the building in the middle of the building. There are 25 exam computers at the use of examinees, of which 2 are accessible.
Outside the exam rooms there are lockers for personal belongings and coat racks.
Opening hours
- F222 is open Mon - Fri from 8:00–16:00.
- D122 is open Mon - Fri from 8:00–20:00 and on Saturdays from 12:00–16:00.
Please check out the exceptional opening hours from the page EXAM - Rooms and opening hours.
Programs in use:
- Adobe Reader, Word (Engl. 2016), Excel (Engl. 2016), OneNote, Calculator, Paint, Notepad and opportunity to open zip-files.
The electronic examination room is equipped with real-time surveillance and recording video surveillance.
- Rules for using the premises
- Use of EXAM is only allowed for those who have booked an exam slot.
- You may only bring a photo ID (plastic student card, driving licence, ID card or passport - no digital student card), a transparent water bottle without a label and a locker key with you to the exam room.
- Leave your outer clothing (jacket, hat, etc.) outside the room. The student must be recognizable from the video, so a cap or similar that covers your face, is prohibited. If the student wears a headdress that completely covers the face for religious reasons (e.g. niqab, burka), he/she takes the exam in a separate room, where his/her identity can be verified by staff of the same gender.
- It is not allowed to bring your own belongings to the exam room (e.g. calculator, phone, smart watch or wristwatch). Leave your belongings in a locker outside the room. Long hair must be tied back or in such a way that the ears are visible, so that it can be seen from the video that the student does not have ear phones in his/her ears. If a student wears a headdress that covers the ears for religious reasons (e.g. hijab, turban), he/she is not required to uncover his/her ears in the EXAM room.
- The EXAM room is fragrance-free. Please consider your fragrance sensitive fellow students when coming to the exam room.
- Hearing protectors and tissues are available in the exam room. If you have a medical reason that requires special arrangements for the exam (allergy, asthma, diabetes, chronic bowel disease, etc.), please contact us at exam(at)uwasa.fi at least 5 days before the exam.
- No discussion is allowed in the exam room.
- You may not leave the exam room until you have returned your answer. You can return an exam even if there is still time left. The exam will automatically end when the exam time expires.
- Cancelling or changing registration
Cancelling or changing registration
- If you want to change the reservation, click Edit enrolment in the Reservations page. Select Edit reservation.
- If you want to cancel the reservation, click Edit enrolment in the Reservations page and select Remove the booking. Confirm by choosing Accept.
- ATTN! Removing the exam reservation does not delete the registration.
- If you want to cancel the registration, click Edit enrolment in the Reservations page and select Cancel the registration. Confirm by choosing Accept.
You can cancel or modify your reservation until the time of your reservation. Please act on time so that the exam slot can be used by others.
- Transfer the exam reservation to your calendar
Transfer the exam reservation to your calendar
- Click on the e-mail attachment (booking.ics) you received on the exam reservation.
- If you want, change the name of the Subject, for example the title of the exam (EXAM1001). Otherwise, the reservation title on the calendar will become an Exam Reservation.
- Save your changes to Save & Close. The reservation is shown in your calendar.
With Office 365 and Mail Mailbox, you can click the arrow next to the attachment and choose Add to Calendar. The attachment changes to the state "Added to calendar".
- Signing in and taking the exam
Signing in and taking the exam
- Exam computers do not require a separate login. You use HAKA-logging system to sign in to the EXAM system. Use your own user account, write only the first part of the whole username (i.e. x12345). Do not use @student.uwasa.fi part.
- If exam hasn't started yet and you are on right computer, your exam will start soon.
- If you are on a wrong computer, the system guides you to the right one by telling the computer's number.
- If exam has already started and you are on the right computer, you can start doing you exam.
- If you arrive late for the exam, the delay will reduce the total time of the exam.
- On the first screen you see the instructions for your exam. The exam is divided into pages according to how many sections of questions there are.
- Move on to the Question section. Answer the questions in any order you like.
- The clock on a right upper corner shows you the time that you have left. You can also hide the clock if you will.
- The system saves the data automatically once in a minute. You can save you data also by clicking the Save‐button.
- ATTN! If you are using other programs (Excel, Word etc) you must save the data manually. Please make sure that you have attached all the needed attachments to the exam before ending the exam.
- Hand in your exam by clicking the Save and return the exam link. Confirm by answering Yes.
- The system will thank you and log you out. Close the browser and log out of the computer. Don’t shut down the computer!
- If you have to abort the exam, choose the Abort exam link on the right hand side of the window. Confirm the abortion, close the browser and log out from the computer.
- Exam computers do not require a separate login. You use HAKA-logging system to sign in to the EXAM system. Use your own user account, write only the first part of the whole username (i.e. x12345). Do not use @student.uwasa.fi part.
- In problem situations
- If EXAM gets jammed, close and reopen the browser and log in to EXAM again. EXAM saves your answer every minute, but this does not apply to attachments.
- If you have problems with the actual computer, you can disconnect the power cord from behind the screen, wait 30 seconds and plug the power cord back in, and then restart the computer from the power button behind the screen. You may have to wait for a minute or two for the computer to reload from the virtual server.
- If you have problem with the lockers, please contact the care takers of the building.
- Form for reporting interruption or start up failure in an electronic exam.
- Special arrangements
If you have a medical reason that requires special arrangements for the exam (e.g. allergy, asthma, diabetes, chronic bowel disease), please contact exam(at)uwasa.fi at least 5 days before the exam.
If you are entitled to extra time for the exam, please contact exam(at)uwasa.fi before the start of the exam period. A personal exam with extra time will be created for you, for which you can reserve an exam time.
The doors of the EXAM rooms are not electrically assisted, so if you need help accessing the exam room (you are in a wheelchair, you have walking sticks, etc.), please contact us in advance.
When booking an exam time, you can set the accessibility requirements for the room.
- Assessment and feedback
Assessment and feedback
You will receive an email, when the assessment is ready.
- Log in to EXAM system.
- Choose Study attainments from the left panel.
- There is Show feedback link in those exams that have already been assessed. Click on the link and you will see the grade and the feedback.
Please notice that the exam can also be a partial assignment, in which case the grade of the exam does not correspond to the final grade of the course. Further information on the course evaluation will be provided by the teacher.
- Doing a maturity exam on EXAM
Maturity tests that include language evaluation are mainly done in EXAM system. More information about a maturity test can be found in pageMaturity exam.
Maturity process in EXAM system:
- Contact your supervisor and tell him/her that you are willing to do the maturity test.
- If you have not used EXAM system before, please go and log in to the system. After this, your supervisor is able to add you as a participant to the exam.
- Fill in the form registering for maturity test. The form can be found from page Kypsyysnäyte.
- Send the form to you supervisor by email.
- When your supervisor has created the maturity test in EXAM, you will receive an email (to the University email) requesting you to book a time for taking the maturity test in EXAM.
- As you log in to EXAM to book a time for the maturity test, you will find the exam on student's desktop in EXAM. Please book the time.
- Book a time and follow the instructions for a normal electronic exam.
- You will receive an email after the assessment is ready and you can go to read the teacher's feedback from EXAM.
ATTN! If you are planning to do a maturity test, please notice the enrollment for the academic year / semester and also the dates for the semester. The fall semester is 1.8.-31.12. and the spring semester 1.1.-31.7. The grade cannot be registered in Peppi if you are not registered as attending during that specific semester. For example, if you have done your Maturity test in August, you need to be registered as attending for the Autumn semester.