
This project aims to:
Develop, pilot, and demonstrate a tailored digital predictive model for food waste management in the Horeca sector. Develop new operational models and methods that promote behaviour change to reduce food waste, in collaboration with staff and customers. Utilize the opportunities provided by Vaasa University's VME Lab for the user-friendly implementation of the predictive model.
The NextGen project continues Vaasa University's Waste Insight team's systematic work to reduce food waste.
Collaborators & stakeholders:
- Kuortaneen Urheiluopiston ravintolat
- VME Interaction Design Environment
- SmartKitchen
- Into Seinäjoki Oy
- Green Key Oy
- MaRa Pohjanmaan paikallisyhdistys
- Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu
- Etelä-Pohjanmaan korkeakouluverkosto Epanet, Turun yliopisto ja Taideyliopisto
Organisation coordinating the project
Funding partners