Juha Arrasvuori
FT, Tampereen yliopisto, 2006
Tekniikan ja innovaatiojohtamisen yksikkö, Tuotantotalous

- TUTA2270 Innovative Product Development (co-teacher)
Project work:
- PERIL (2023-25): Main roles: project manager; research through piloting demos on tackling climate change risks in South Ostrobothnia.
- MINCA (2024-26): Role: R&D&I expert; developing and piloting a demo for identifying potential GHG emission cuts in supply chains of South Ostrobothnian SMEs.
Past projects:
- KOMPASSI (2021-23): Main roles: project manager; authoring learning content.
- PAJATSO (2021-22): Role: contributed to developing an online platform aiming to reduce food waste.
- BID4E (2019-21). Role: project manager.
- RISKI-DIGI (2020-21). Role: project manager.
- WASTELESS (2019-21). Role: contributed in deploying a prediction model and process for reducing food waste.
- INTERFACE (2018). Role: project manager.
- CO-PROTOLAB (2018-20). Role: developed a process for using intellectual property protection methods in service concepting.
- Käyttäjäinnovaatiot (2018). Role: contributed to define a user innovation process.
- IMDAIC (2016-17). Role: co-developed an innovation process; co-invented with an industry partner patents resulting in c. 25 granted patent families.
- DIGI-ACTION (2017). Role: information sharing to SMEs about the opportunities of digitalization.
- DIGI-BOTNIA (2017). Role: project manager.
- EP-DIGI (2016-17). Role: project manager.
- iREN (2014-15). Role: researcher.
- SOPPI (2012-14). Role: researcher.
- NOVUS (2012-13). Role: researcher.
- NOMAD (2012-16). Role: researcher.
I joined University of Vaasa in 2012 as an Associate Professor. Before that, I conducted research at Nokia Research Center.
Outcomes of my research, including patents, can be accessed via Google Scholar.
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