Vesa Suutari


School of Management, Human Resource Management
+358 29 449 8433
Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa
Ankkuri 3.floor (K313)


I have worked in the University of Vaasa since 1990 in various positions. I was nominated as a professor in 2002. Between 2004-2006 I worked as a Head of Department and later on as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies for five years. From January 2010 April 2016 I worked as Dean of the Faculty and as one of the Vice Rectors of the University of Vaasa. In 2016 I left for one year research sabbathical leave after which I have continued my work as a Professor again.


I belong to the the research group Human Resource Management at the university. My areas of reserach interest relate with cross-cultural management and international human resource management. I have published around 100 publications in international journals and edited books. Publication details can be found through the following links:

Research gate

Google Scholar profiili


Examples of the latest publications:

Mello, R., Suutari, V., & Dickmann, M. (2024). Exploring the determinants of career success after expatriation: A focus on job fit, career adaptability, and expatriate type. International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Zong, S., Suutari, V., Mello, R., & Dickmann, M. (in press). Happy, Healthy and Productive Abroad: Exploring Sustainable Global Careers and Developing Future Research Directions. In D. Scholarios, N. Fouad, & B. Van der Heijden (Eds.), The Research Handbook of Vocational Behavior. Edward Elgar.

Caselius, M., and V. Suutari (2023), The global chameleons: the impact of early life international exposure on the career capital of adult third culture kids, Journal of Global Mobility, 11:4, 530-553.

Andresen, M.Suutari, V.Muhr, S.L.Barzantny, C. and Dickmann, M. (2023). Guest editorial: Careers of self-initiated expatriates: exploring the impact of context. Career Development International,28:4, 333-347.

Mello, R., Suutari, V., & Dickmann, M. (2023). Career success of expatriates: the impacts of career capital, expatriate type, career type and career stage. Career Development International, 28:4, 406-425.

Mello, R, Suutari, V. & M. Dickmann (2023). Taking Stock of Expatriates' Career Success after International Assignments: A Review and Future Research Agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 33:1,

Mäkelä L., Suutari., V., Rajala, A. & C. Brewster (2022). Job exhaustion among assigned and self-initiated expatriates – the role of effort and reward. Journal of Global Mobility, 10: 4, 456-475.



My teaching has related with international HRM and cross-cultural management issues in the EPAS-accredited Master Degree Programme in International Business. I have also teached at adult education sector for over 25 years.