AI2Business - Tekoälystä kestävää liiketoimintaa

Finland aims to become a pioneering country in artificial intelligence. Achieving the goal requires top-class artificial intelligence experts as well as wide-ranging expertise and understanding at all levels of companies. The roadmap produced by TEM calls for diverse and open artificial intelligence ecosystems that transmit international examples and create experiments and success stories. These are built in close cooperation with companies, universities and other actors and by quickly transferring research results to companies. More information is also needed on the development of artificial intelligence solutions in a safe and reliable way.
The purpose of this project is to improve artificial intelligence-related, diverse continuous learning training and cooperation networks as well as transfer R&D results to working life. The goal of the project is to develop a web-based training program for artificial intelligence skills, which supports work-oriented development, evaluation and management of artificial intelligence solutions in production and service processes. The training program is based on multidisciplinary and cross-sector work-oriented learning, for which a facilitation model is developed. The facilitation model describes the role and operation of the knowledge network in learning through artificial intelligence experiments and related business solutions. The project develops learning material based on artificial intelligence experiments, a web-based learning platform and a learning process for the educational program.