Marko Kohtamäki

I'm a strategy Prof. at University of Vaasa and a visiting prof at LTU and USN. I do research on digital servitization, organizational change, strategic practices, business intelligence and strategic alliances. I've published in Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Production Economics, Long Range Planning, Technovation, IMM, JBR.
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I teach in Strategic Business Development master's programme. During my 15 years of teaching career, I've taught courses related to strategy, business development, innovation and networks, as well as knowledge management
Recent journal publications (last 10 years)
Please, see my profile in Research Gate:
Kohtamäki, M., Einola, S. & Rabetino, R. (2020). Exploring servitization through the paradox lens: Coping practices in servitization. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, August, 1–15.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Federico, J.S. (2020). A (re)view of the philosophical foundations of strategic management. International Journal of Management Reviews, Forthcoming.
Gebauer, H., Arzt A., Kohtamäki, M., Lamprecht, C., Parida, V., Witell, L. & Wortmann, F. (2020). How to convert digital offerings into revenue enhancement – Conceptualizing business model dynamics through explorative case studies. Industrial Marketing Management,91, 429-441.
Kohtamäki, M., Heimonen, J., Sjödin, D. & Heikkilä, V. (2020). Strategic agility in innovation: Unpacking the interaction between entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity by using the practice theory. Journal of Business Research, 118, 12–25.
Korkeamäki, L. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). To outcomes and beyond: Discursively legitimating outcome-based business model development. Industrial Marketing Management, Forthcoming.
Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Patel, P. & Gebauer, H. (2020). The relationship between digitalization and servitization: The role of servitization in capturing the financial potential of digitalization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 1–9.
Talaoui, Y. & Kohtamäki M. (2020). 35 years of research on business intelligence process: A synthesis of a fragmented literature. Management Research Review. Forthcoming.
Huikkola, T., Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Gebauer, H. (2020). Firm boundaries in servitization: Interplay and repositioning practices. Industrial Marketing Management, 90. 90–105.
Sjödin, D., Parida, V. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). An agile co-creation process for digital servitization: A micro-service innovation approach. Journal of Business Research, 112, 478–491.
Talaoui, Y. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Of BI research: A tale of two communities. Management Research Review, In Press.
Partanen, J., Kohtamäki, M., Patel, P. & Parida, V. (2020). Supply chain ambidexterity and manufacturing SME performance: The moderating roles of network capability and strategic information flow Research paper. International Journal of Production Economics, 221(March).
Huikkola, T. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Agile new solution development in manufacturing companies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(3), 16-23.
Shahzad, K. Tahir, A., Kohtamäki, M. & Takala, J. (2020). Enabling roles of relationship governance mechanisms in the choice of inter-firm conflict resolution strategies. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, in press.
Kuivalainen, J., Kunttu, I. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Agile product development practices for coping with learning paradox in R&D offshore units. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(3), 69-76.
Talaoui, Y., Kohtamäki, M. & Rajala, R. (2020). Seeking 'strategy' in business intelligence literature: Theorizing BI as part of strategy research. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(9), 27-37.
Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Oghazi, P., Gebauer, H., & Baines, T. S. (2019). Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm. Journal of Business Research, 104(November), 380-392.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M. & Hietikko, H. (2019). Open strategizing in a smart city. TIM Review, 9(9), 36-43.
Kohtamäki, M., Henneberg, S. C., Martinez, V., Kimita, K., & Gebauer, H. (2019). A configurational approach to servitization: Review and research directions. Service Science, 11(3), 213-240.
Kohtamäki, M., Heimonen, J. & Parida, V. (2019). The non-linear relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and sales growth: The moderating effects of slack resources and absorptive capacity. Journal of Business Research, Accepted for publication.
Heimonen, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2019). Measuring new product and service portfolio advantage. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, 15, 63-174.
Sjödin, D., Parida, V. & Kohtamäki, M. (2019). Relational governance strategies for advanced service provision: Multiple paths to superior financial performance in servitization. Journal of Business Research,Accepted for publication.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R. & Möller, K. (2018). Alliance capabilities: A review on future research directions. Industrial Marketing Management, 68(1), 89–100.
Rabetino, R., Harmsen, W., Kohtamäki, M. & Sihvonen, J. (2018). Structuring servitization related research. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(2), 350-371.
Vuorinen, T., Hakala, H., Kohtamäki, M., & Uusitalo, K. (2018). Mapping the landscape of strategy tools: A review on strategy tools published in leading journals within the past 25 years. Long Range Planning, 51(4), 586–605.
Hasselblatt, M., Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M. & Nickell, D. (2018). Modeling manufacturer's capabilities for the internet of things. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(6), 822–836.
Rabetino, R., Ogundibe, S. J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2018). Solution sales process blueprinting. International Journal of Business Environment.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M., & Gebauer, H. (2017). Strategy map of servitization. International Journal of Production Economics, 192(October), 144–156.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V. & Wincent, J. (2016). Retrospective relational sensemaking in R&D offshoring. Industrial Marketing Management, 63(5), 205–216.
Partanen, J., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017). Developing and validating a multi-dimensional scale for operationalizing industrial service offering. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32(2), 295–309.
Luoto, S., Brax, S. A., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions. Industrial Marketing Management, 60(1), 89–100.
Hakala, H., Nummelin, L., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Online brand community practices and the construction of brand legitimacy. Marketing Theory, 17(4), 537–558.
Huikkola, T. & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Solution providers' strategic capabilities. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(5), 752–770.
Einola, S., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Sosiomateriaalisten käytäntöjen rooli kuntaorganisaation strategiatyössä. Hallinnon Tutkimus, 35(3), 189–203.
Kohtamäki, M., & Rajala, R. (2016). Theory and practice of value co-creation in B2B systems. Industrial Marketing Management, 56(7), 4–13.
Sjödin, D. R., Parida, V., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Capability configurations for advanced service offerings in manufacturing firms: Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5330–5335.
Kohtamäki, M., & Partanen, J. (2016). Co-creating value from knowledge-intensive business services in manufacturing firms: The moderating role of relationship learning in supplier-customer interactions. Journal of Business Research, 69(7), 2498–2506.
Parida, V., Patel, P., Wincent, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Network Partner Diversity, Network Capability, and Sales Growth in Small firms. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2113-2117
Kohtamäki, M., Thorgren, S. & Wincent, J. (2016). Organizational identity and behaviors in strategic networks. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 31(1), 36–46.
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., & Rabetino, R. (2016). Resource realignment in servitization. Research-Technology Management, 59(4), 30–39.
Sirén, C. & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Stretching Strategic Learning to the Limit: The Interaction between Strategic Planning and Learning. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 653-663.
Bäck, I., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Joint learning in innovative R&D collaboration. Industry and Innovation, 27(January), 1–25.
Patel, P., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2015) Entrepreneurial-Orientation-as-Experimentation and Firm Performance: The Enabling Role of Absorptive Capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 36(11), 1739-1749.
Bäck, I. & Kohtamäki, M. (2015). Boundaries of R&D collaboration. Technovation, 45-46(November–December).
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. Lehtonen, H. & Kostama, H. (2015). Developing the concept of the life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49(8), 53–66.
Vesalainen, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2015). Toward a typological view of buyer-supplier relationships: Challenging the unidimensional relationship continuum. Industrial Marketing Management, 49(8), 105–115.
Kohtamäki, M, Hakala, H, Partanen J, Parida, V and Wincent, J. (2015). Transforming industrial service strategy into performance. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 14(2), 160-172
Kohtamäki, M. & Helo, P. (2015). Industrial services: The solution provider's stairway to heaven or highway to hell? Benchmarking: An international Journal, Vol. 22(2), 170-185.
Parida, V., Rönnberg Sjödin, D., Wincent, J. & Kohtamäki, M. Mastering the transition towards industrial product-service provision: Insights into business models, learning activities and capabilities. Research Technology Management, 57(3), 44-52.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2013). Non-linear relationship between industrial service offering and sales growth: The moderating role of network capabilities. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(8), 1374–1385.
Parida, V., Wincent, J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2013). Offshoring and Improvisational Learning: Empirical Insights into Developing Global R&D Capabilities. Industry & Innovation, 20(6), 544–562.
Huikkola, T., Ylimäki, J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2013). Joint learning in R&D collaborations and the facilitating relational practices. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(7), 1167–1180.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J., & Möller, K. (2013). Making a profit with R&D services — The critical role of relational capital. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(1), 71–81.
Kohtamäki, M., Vesalainen, J., Henneberg, S., Naude, P. & Ventresca, M (2012). Enabling relationship structures and relationship performance improvement: The moderating role of relational capital. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(8), 1298–1309.
Sirén, C., Kohtamäki, M. & Kuckertz, A. (2012). Exploration and exploitation strategies, profit performance and the mediating role of strategic learning: escaping the exploitation trap. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 6(1), 18-41.
Kohtamäki, M. & Bourlakis, M. (2012). Antecedents of relationship learning in supplier partnerships from the perspective of an industrial customer: the direct effects model. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 27(4), 299-310.
Kohtamäki, M., Kraus, S., Rönkkö, M. & Mäkelä, M. (2012). The role of personnel commitment to strategy implementation and organisational learning within the relationship between strategic planning and company performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 18(2), 159-178.
Hakala, H. & Kohtamäki, M. (2011). Configurations of entrepreneurial-, customer- and technology orientation: Differences in learning and performance of software companies. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17(1), 64-81.
Tornikoski, E., Saarakkala, M. Varamäki, E. ja Kohtamäki M. (2011). PK-yrityksen kasvutekijät ja kasvun hallinta: Viitekehys kasvun haasteiden tunnistamiseksi. Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 15(1), 11-32.
Kohtamäki, M., T. Kautonen & S. Kraus (2010). Strategic planning and small business performance: An examination of the mediating role of exploration and exploitation behaviours. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 11(3), 221-229.
Kuckertz, A., M. Kohtamäki & C. Körber (2010). Why the Fast Eat the Slow – The Impact of Strategy and Innovation Timing on the Success of Technology-Oriented Ventures. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(1/2), 175-188.
Kohtamäki, M. (2010). Relationship governance and learning in partnerships. Learning in Networks Special Issue, The Learning Organization, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 41-57.
Hakala, H. & Kohtamäki, M. (2010). The interplay between orientations: entrepreneurial, technology and customer orientations in software companies. Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 18 No. 3.