Flexible Clean Propulsion Technologies

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The Flexible Clean Propulsion Technologies consortium comprises 17 pressure-tested partners with complementary expertise, methods and resources, and sharing a budget of 18 million euros. It is uniquely positioned to overcome the challenges on route to zero-emission marine and off-road transport. Our goal is to establish an economically stable, zero-emission future for the Finnish powertrain industry, departing boldly from locally-driven, single-fuel agendas. We acknowledge that effective decarbonisation means embracing all new zero-carbon fuel options, like hydrogen and ammonia, alongside more mature low-carbon choices such as methane, methanol and bio-diesels. This level of multi-fuel integration is an unparalleled technological challenge for powertrain development.  

We aim to demonstrate robust powertrains achieving up to 100% reduction in tailpipe greenhouse gas emissions, optimising individual fuel streams according to availability, pricing, combustion efficiency and emissions. We will use fuel-agnostic combustion and aftertreatment, supported by complementary electrification, to accommodate five enabling fuel categories within just two versatile engine platforms. These will handle a wide range of power demands for off-road and marine transport, with minimal hardware adjustments. Fuel-quality adaptive control functions and self-learning capabilities will help address multi-fuel calibration complexity. The Flex-CPT research plan includes 33 innovations, including fuel reforming-based reactivity on demand, adaptive aftertreatment deposit formation control, through to thermal management of hybrid systems exploiting the synergy of fuel storage technology with electrification. 

Project duration
Total budget
18 230 000€
Total budget for the University of Vaasa
3 660 000€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Technology and Innovations
Renewable energy
Organisation coordinating the project
Funding partners