Integrated Hydrogen-Argon Power Cycle (iHAPC)

The Integrated Hydrogen-Argon Power Cycle (iHAPC) project consortium, led by the University of Vaasa, aims to revolutionise the energy sector by showcasing sustainable hydrogen-argon power cycle (H-APC) at pilot scale. The concept is targeting unprecedented power generation efficiency with net-zero emissions.
The hydrogen-argon power cycle could have a significant impact for the energy sector. It enables full valorisation of green hydrogen by burning it, under argon atmosphere, together with oxygen obtained from electrolysis. Using recirculated argon and oxygen instead of air not only raises the efficiency of hydrogen combustion by 10-20 percentage points but allows net-zero emissions. With no exhaust stack necessary, water remains virtually the only combustion product, which can be sustainably re-used as fuel for the concept.
The project consortium consists of research organisations and industry companies. The three-year iHAPC project (2025-2027) has a total budget of 8,55 million euros. The project is primarily funded by Business Finland, with the remaining funds provided by the companies and research organisations involved.