Marko Kohtamäki
Professori, liiketaloustiede, erityisesti yrittäjyys

I'm a strategy Prof. at University of Vaasa and a visiting prof at Luleå University of Technology. I do research on digital servitization, strategy work and strategic practices, organizational change, business intelligence and strategic alliances. I've published multiple international books and over 100 articles in highest quality academic journals such as Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Production Economics, Long Range Planning, Technovation, IMM, JBR.Strategic Management Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Technological forecasting and social change, International Journal of Production Economics, Long Range Planning, Technovation, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, amongst others. His papers have received number of best paper awards, and the Stanford list has recognized him amongst the 2% of world's highest cited researchers in his field.
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I teach in Strategic Business Development master's programme. During my 20 years of teaching career, I've taught courses related to strategy, business development, innovation, networks and knowledge management. I also teach in multiple executive MBA programs and have been awarded for teaching. I have develop a flagship course coined Strategy work, where student learn strategy theory and practice, conducting in-depth strategic analysis for a large company (Wärtsilä and Atria as recent examples of case comapnies used), using the strategy concept including 9 strategy tools.
Board and business development experience
I have a broad experience as a company board member, as I've been serving as a board memeber in multiple companies and public organizations, such as Lapuaketjut, Ravera, Boardman LJT, Kind company and C2 Advertising, and University of Vaasa.
I also have a broad experience from strategy consulting and business development, as I have been working as a a lead consultant and coach in cases such as University of Vaasa, City of Vaasa, VEO, Prima Power, Leinolat, ABB, Wärtsilä, Lapua, Kurikka, Vantaa, Hämeenlinna, Rovaniemi and many others. In most of the cases, I facilitate strategy work and strategy implementation, and coach top and middle management in strategy related issues, such as strategy work, strategy implementation, change management, and service development.
Industrial innovation projects
AI2Business - Artificial Intelligence To Business concentrates on the applications of AI to technology companies. The project builds understanding about various AI technologies, and the business opportunities created by them.
MIDAS - Mastering the Next Industrial Revolution: From product-service solutions to Autonomous Systems (MIDAS). Finnish Academy project analyses the digital servitization towards autonomous product-service systems by using the institutional theory and the practice theory as the primary theoretical lenses. 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024.
Autonomous solutions - PI in "Transition towards autonomous solutions: Framing the sociotechnical change"
LSR funded project to understand the change towards autonomous solutions, 2021 - 2022.
III - PI in the project on Intelligent International Industry – ESR funded project together with VAMK and industrial companies, 2020-2022.
SHARE - PI in the project on Sharing and Circular Economy – Tekes funded together with VTT and 4 companies, 2017-2019.
DigiKasvu - PI in the project on Digital services in Manufacturing companies. ESR-funded project with Muova and T-Drill, 2017-2019.
S4Fleet - PI in the Service Solutions for Fleet Management project, Fimecc consortium of 5 universities and 30 firms, 2015-2017. Within the FIMECC S4Fleet research program, our research group develops a concept for utilizing business intelligence information in real-time decision-making. The aim is to conceptualize a centralized dashboard platform, that will support strategic and operational level decision-makers with real-time BI data.
FutIS - PI in the Future Industrial Services project. 9 research institutions and 19 firms, 2010-2016. Organization or Industrial Service business research project focuses on co-creation in industrial service interactions. We developed a services development method (ServScope), which we apply to study the extent of industrial services. Moreover, we studied the capabilities needed for value co-creation from industrial service offerings.
FoodIR - PI in the research project focusing on the organization of value systems in Food Industry, 2013-2014.
Participative strategy work - PI in Participative strategy work and strategic decision making in municipalities and Strategy work business units – Case city of Vaasa, 2013-2014.
R&D On - PI in R&D ON company project for ABB on the Organization and management of international R&D networks, 2013-2014.
Lifecycle services - PI in Life-Cycle services company project conducted for Algol Technics.
Customer Co-Creation - PI in Customer Co-Creation company project conducted for Ekokem.
SystemI - PI in the project on a project focusing on System Integrator's Product-Service Systems. 2 research institutions and 5 firms, 2008-2010.
Recent journal publications (last 10 years)
Please, see my profile in Research Gate:
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R. & Foss, N., (2025). Affordances. Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice. Ed. Grossmann-Hensel, B., Seidl, D., Jarzabkowski, P., Spee, P., & Kratochvil, R. & Whittington, R.. Edgar Elgar.
Talaoui, Y. & Kohtamäki, M. (2025). Affordances. Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice. Ed. Grossmann-Hensel, B., Seidl, D., Jarzabkowski, P., Spee, P., & Kratochvil, R. & Whittington, R.. Edgar Elgar.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., & Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2024). Sustainable servitization for cleaner and resource-wise production and consumption: Past, present, and future. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143179.
Kohtamäki, M., Leminen, S. & Parida, V. (2024). Conceptualizing Digital Business Models (DBM) Framing the interplay between digitalization and business models. Technovation, 133.
Naeem, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Parida, V. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Enabled Product-Service Innovation: Past Achievements and Future Directions. Review of Managerial Science, Accepted to be published.
Abed Alghani, K., Kohtamäki, M. & Kraus, S. (2024). Mapping the Landscape: Unveiling the Structural Dynamics of Industry Platforms. European Journal of Innovation Management, Accepted to be published.
Kohtamäki, M., Bhandari, K. R., Rabetino, R. & Ranta, M. (2024). Sustainable servitization in manufacturing companies: The relationship between firm's sustainability emphasis and profitability and the moderating role of servitization. Technovation, 129(1).
Morgan, T., Friske, W., Kohtamäki, M. and Mills,P. (2024). Customer Participation in Manufacturing Firms' New Service Development: The Moderating Role of CRM Technology. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 39(4), 857-870
Koporcic-Nietola, N., Sjödin, D., Kohtamäki, M. & Parida, V. (2024). Embracing the "fail fast and learn fast" mindset: Conceptualizing learning from failure in knowledge-intensive SMEs. Small Business Economics.
Zhou, Dan, Marko Kohtamäki, Xuerong Peng, and Xiaolei Kong (2024). "How Digital Orientation Impacts Service Innovation in Hotels: The Role of Digital Capabilities and Government Support." Tourism Economics. DOI: 10.1177/13548166241255408
Sjödin, D., Parida, V. and Kohtamäki, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Enabling Circular Business Model Innovation in Digital Servitization: Conceptualizing Dynamic Capabilities, AI Capacities, Business Models and Effects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 197 (December).
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Huikkola, T. (2023). Digital Service Innovation (DSI): A Multidisciplinary (Re)View of its Origins and Progress Using Bibliometric and Text Mining Methods. Journal of Service Management, Accepted to be published.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R. & Huikkola, T. (2023). Learning in strategic alliances: Reviewing the literature streams and crafting the agenda for future research. Industrial Marketing Management, 110(April), 68-84.
Talaoui, Y., Kohtamäki, M., Ranta, M. & Paroutis, S. (2023). Recovering the divide: A review of the big data analytics—strategy relationship. Long Range Planning.
Brekke, T., Lenka, S., Kohtamäki, M., Apenes Solem, B. & Parida, V. (2023). Overcoming barriers to transformation in manufacturing firms. A path-dependence perspective of digital servitization. Review of Managerial Science. Accepted to be published.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M., Kinnunen, M. & Berg, P. (2023). Tästäkin selvitään yhdessä-retoriikka merkityksellistämisen välineenä pandemian johtamisessa. Hallinnon Tutkimus. Accepted to be published.
Kohtamäki, M., Whittington, R., Vaara, E., & Rabetino, R. (2022). Making connections: Harnessing the diversity of strategy?as?practice research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24(2), 210–232.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R., Parida, V., Sjödin, D., & Henneberg, S. (2022). Managing digital servitization toward smart solutions: Framing the connections between technologies, business models, and ecosystems. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 253–267.
Silenskyte, A., Dhanaraj, C. & Kohtamäki, M. (2022). Strategy implementation in the transnational MNC: A critical realist investigation of MNC European and Indian unit collaboration. Journal of Business Research, 152(November), 276-289.
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., & Ylimäki, J. (2022). Becoming a smart solution provider: Reconfiguring a product manufacturer's strategic capabilities and processes to facilitate business model innovation. Technovation, 118(December), 1–13.
Korkeamäki, L., Sjödin, D., Kohtamäki, M., & Parida, V. (2022). Coping with the relational paradoxes of outcome-based services. Industrial Marketing Management, 104 (July), 14-27.
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R., Makkonen, H. & Holtkamp, P. (2022). Unfolding the Simple Heuristics of Smart Solution Development. Journal of Service Management, 33(1), 121-142.
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R., Makkonen, H. & Holtkamp, P. (2022). Overcoming the Challenges of Smart Solution Development: Co-alignment of Processes, Routines, and Practices to Manage Product, Service, and Software Integration. Technovation, 118(December), 1-13.
Solem, B., Brekke, T., Kohtamäki, M. & Parida, V. (2022). Untangling service design routines for digital servitization: Empirical insights of smart PSS in maritime industry. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 33(4), 717-740.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R., Einola, S., Parida, V., & Patel, P. (2021). Unfolding the digital servitization path from products to product-service-software systems: Practicing change through intentional narratives. Journal of Business Research, 137(December), 379-392.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M., Kowalkowski, C., Baines, T. S., & Sousa, R. (2021). Guest editorial: Servitization 2.0: evaluating and advancing servitization-related research through novel conceptual and methodological perspectives. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 41(5), 437–464.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M., Sihvonen, J. & Brax, S. (2021). The tribes in the field of servitization: Discovering latent streams across 30 years of research. Industrial Marketing Management, 95(May), 70-84.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Federico, J.S. (2021). A (re)view of the philosophical foundations of strategic management. International Journal of Management Reviews, 23, 151-190.
Korkeamäki, L., Kohtamäki, M., & Parida, V. (2021). Worth the risk? The profit impact of outcome-based service offerings for manufacturing firms. Journal of Business Research, 131, 92–102.
Sayantan, K., Amandeep, D., Kohtamäki, M. & Parida, V. (2021). Servitization research: A review and bibliometric analysis of past achievements and future promises. Journal of Business Research, 131(July), 151-166.
Talaoui, Y., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). 35 Years of Research on Business Intelligence Process: a Synthesis of a Fragmented Literature. Management Research Review, 44(5), 677–717.
Huikkola, T., Einola, S., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). Typologies of Manufacturer Identities in the Age of Smart Solutions. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, A. Z. Bigdeli, C. Kowalkowski, R. Oliva, & V. Parida (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization (pp. 41–56). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Huikkola, T., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). Managerial Heuristics in Servitization Journey. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, A. Z. Bigdeli, C. Kowalkowski, R. Oliva, & V. Parida (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization (pp. 281–292). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hydle, K. M., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). Viewing Servitization Through a Practice-Theoretical Lens. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, A. Z. Bigdeli, C. Kowalkowski, R. Oliva, & V. Parida (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization (pp. 231–246). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M., & Rabetino, R. (2021). Narrative Network as a Method to Understand the Evolution of Smart Solutions. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, A. Z. Bigdeli, C. Kowalkowski, R. Oliva, & V. Parida (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization (pp. 293–307). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kohtamäki, M. & Einola, S. (2021). Participative strategy process in the city of Vaasa. In Exploring strategy, 12th edition, p. 525-531 (Ed., Whittington, Regnér, Angwin, Johnson & Scholes). Pearson, Edinburg, UK.
Kohtamäki, M., Baines, T., Rabetino, R., Bigdeli, A. Z., Kowalkowski, C., Oliva, R., & Parida, V. (2021). Theoretical landscape in servitization. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, A. Bigdeli, C. Kowalkowski, R. Oliva, & V. Parida (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization. London: Palgrave McMillan.
Kohtamäki, M., Einola, S. & Rabetino, R. (2020). Exploring servitization through the paradox lens: Coping practices in servitization. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, August, 1–15.
Gebauer, H., Arzt A., Kohtamäki, M., Lamprecht, C., Parida, V., Witell, L. & Wortmann, F. (2020). How to convert digital offerings into revenue enhancement – Conceptualizing business model dynamics through explorative case studies. Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 429-441.
Kohtamäki, M., Heimonen, J., Sjödin, D. & Heikkilä, V. (2020). Strategic agility in innovation: Unpacking the interaction between entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacity by using the practice theory. Journal of Business Research, 118, 12–25.
Korkeamäki, L. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). To outcomes and beyond: Discursively legitimating outcome-based business model development. Industrial Marketing Management, Forthcoming.
Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Patel, P. & Gebauer, H. (2020). The relationship between digitalization and servitization: The role of servitization in capturing the financial potential of digitalization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 1–9.
Talaoui, Y. & Kohtamäki M. (2020). 35 years of research on business intelligence process: A synthesis of a fragmented literature. Management Research Review. Forthcoming.
Huikkola, T., Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. & Gebauer, H. (2020). Firm boundaries in servitization: Interplay and repositioning practices. Industrial Marketing Management, 90. 90–105.
Sjödin, D., Parida, V. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). An agile co-creation process for digital servitization: A micro-service innovation approach. Journal of Business Research, 112, 478–491.
Talaoui, Y. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Of BI research: A tale of two communities. Management Research Review, In Press.
Partanen, J., Kohtamäki, M., Patel, P. & Parida, V. (2020). Supply chain ambidexterity and manufacturing SME performance: The moderating roles of network capability and strategic information flow Research paper. International Journal of Production Economics, 221(March).
Huikkola, T. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Agile new solution development in manufacturing companies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(3), 16-23.
Shahzad, K. Tahir, A., Kohtamäki, M. & Takala, J. (2020). Enabling roles of relationship governance mechanisms in the choice of inter-firm conflict resolution strategies. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, in press.
Kuivalainen, J., Kunttu, I. & Kohtamäki, M. (2020). Agile product development practices for coping with learning paradox in R&D offshore units. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(3), 69-76.
Talaoui, Y., Kohtamäki, M. & Rajala, R. (2020). Seeking 'strategy' in business intelligence literature: Theorizing BI as part of strategy research. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(9), 27-37.
Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Oghazi, P., Gebauer, H., & Baines, T. S. (2019). Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm. Journal of Business Research, 104(November), 380-392.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M. & Hietikko, H. (2019). Open strategizing in a smart city. TIM Review, 9(9), 36-43.
Kohtamäki, M., Henneberg, S. C., Martinez, V., Kimita, K., & Gebauer, H. (2019). A configurational approach to servitization: Review and research directions. Service Science, 11(3), 213-240.
Kohtamäki, M., Heimonen, J. & Parida, V. (2019). The non-linear relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and sales growth: The moderating effects of slack resources and absorptive capacity. Journal of Business Research, Accepted for publication.
Heimonen, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2019). Measuring new product and service portfolio advantage. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, 15, 63-174.
Sjödin, D., Parida, V. & Kohtamäki, M. (2019). Relational governance strategies for advanced service provision: Multiple paths to superior financial performance in servitization. Journal of Business Research, Accepted for publication.
Huikkola, Tuomas; Kohtamäki, Marko. (2019). Interplay of strategic orientations in the development of smart solutions. Procedia CIRP, 83, 89-94.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R. & Möller, K. (2018). Alliance capabilities: A review on future research directions. Industrial Marketing Management, 68(1), 89–100.
Rabetino, R., Harmsen, W., Kohtamäki, M. & Sihvonen, J. (2018). Structuring servitization related research. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(2), 350-371.
Vuorinen, T., Hakala, H., Kohtamäki, M., & Uusitalo, K. (2018). Mapping the landscape of strategy tools: A review on strategy tools published in leading journals within the past 25 years. Long Range Planning, 51(4), 586–605.
Hasselblatt, M., Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M. & Nickell, D. (2018). Modeling manufacturer's capabilities for the internet of things. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33(6), 822–836.
Huikkola, T., & Kohtamäki, M. (2018). Business models in servitization. In M. Kohtamäki, T. S. Baines, R. Rabetino, & A. Z. Bigdeli (Eds.), Practices and tools for servitization: Managing service transition (pp. 61–81). London: Palgrave McMillan.
Kohtamäki, M., Baines, T., Rabetino, R., & Bigdeli, A. Z. (2018). Practices in Servitization. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, & A. Bigdeli (Eds.), Practices and tools for servitization: Managing service transition (pp. 1–21). London: Springer International Publishing.
Kohtamäki, M., Rabetino, R., & Einola, S. (2018). Paradoxes in servitization. In M. Kohtamäki, T. S. Baines, R. Rabetino, & A. Z. Bigdeli (Eds.), Practices and tools for servitization: Managing service transition (pp. 185–199). London: Springer International Publishing.
Rabetino, R., Ogundibe, S. J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2018). Solution sales process blueprinting. International Journal of Business Environment, In press.
Rabetino, R., & Kohtamäki, M. (2018). To servitize is to reposition: Utilizing a Porterian view to understand servitization and value systems. In M. Kohtamäki, T. Baines, R. Rabetino, & A. Z. Bigdeli (Eds.), Practices and tools for servitization: Managing service transition (pp. 325–341). London: Palgrave McMillan.
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M., & Gebauer, H. (2017). Strategy map of servitization. International Journal of Production Economics, 192(October), 144–156.
Partanen, J., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017). Developing and validating a multi-dimensional scale for operationalizing industrial service offering. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 32(2), 295–309.
Luoto, S., Brax, S. A., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions. Industrial Marketing Management, 60(1), 89–100.
Hakala, H., Nummelin, L., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Online brand community practices and the construction of brand legitimacy. Marketing Theory, 17(4), 537–558.
Huikkola, T. & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Solution providers' strategic capabilities. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32(5), 752–770.
Kohtamäki, M. & Einola, S. (2017). Participative strategy process in the city of Vaasa. In Exploring strategy, 12th edition, p. 525-531 (Ed. Johnson, Whittington, Scholes, Angwin & Regnér). Pearson, Edinburg, UK.
Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Real-time strategy and business intelligence. In Real-time strategy and business intelligence: Digitizing practices and systems (ed. Kohtamäki, M.). London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Kohtamäki, M. & Farmer, D., (2017). Strategic agility – Integrating business intelligence with strategy. In Real-time strategy and business intelligence: Digitizing practices and systems (ed. Kohtamäki, M.). London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Talaoui, Y, Kohtamäki, M. & Rabetino, R. (2017). Business intelligence: Capturing an elusive concept. In Real-time strategy and business intelligence: Digitizing practices and systems (ed. Kohtamäki, M.). London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Einola, S., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V. & Wincent, J. (2016). Retrospective relational sensemaking in R&D offshoring. Industrial Marketing Management, 63(5), 205–216.
Einola, S., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Sosiomateriaalisten käytäntöjen rooli kuntaorganisaation strategiatyössä. Hallinnon Tutkimus, 35(3), 189–203.
Kohtamäki, M., & Rajala, R. (2016). Theory and practice of value co-creation in B2B systems. Industrial Marketing Management, 56(7), 4–13.
Sjödin, D. R., Parida, V., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Capability configurations for advanced service offerings in manufacturing firms: Using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5330–5335.
Kohtamäki, M., & Partanen, J. (2016). Co-creating value from knowledge-intensive business services in manufacturing firms: The moderating role of relationship learning in supplier-customer interactions. Journal of Business Research, 69(7), 2498–2506.
Parida, V., Patel, P., Wincent, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Network Partner Diversity, Network Capability, and Sales Growth in Small firms. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2113-2117
Kohtamäki, M., Thorgren, S. & Wincent, J. (2016). Organizational identity and behaviors in strategic networks. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 31(1), 36–46.
Huikkola, T., Kohtamäki, M., & Rabetino, R. (2016). Resource realignment in servitization. Research-Technology Management, 59(4), 30–39.
Sirén, C. & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Stretching Strategic Learning to the Limit: The Interaction between Strategic Planning and Learning. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 653-663.
Bäck, I., & Kohtamäki, M. (2016). Joint learning in innovative R&D collaboration. Industry and Innovation, 27(January), 1–25.
Patel, P., Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2015) Entrepreneurial-Orientation-as-Experimentation and Firm Performance: The Enabling Role of Absorptive Capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 36(11), 1739-1749.
Bäck, I. & Kohtamäki, M. (2015). Boundaries of R&D collaboration. Technovation, 45-46(November–December).
Rabetino, R., Kohtamäki, M. Lehtonen, H. & Kostama, H. (2015). Developing the concept of the life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49(8), 53–66.
Vesalainen, J. & Kohtamäki, M. (2015). Toward a typological view of buyer-supplier relationships: Challenging the unidimensional relationship continuum. Industrial Marketing Management, 49(8), 105–115.
Kohtamäki, M, Hakala, H, Partanen J, Parida, V and Wincent, J. (2015). Transforming industrial service strategy into performance. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 14(2), 160-172
Kohtamäki, M. & Helo, P. (2015). Industrial services: The solution provider's stairway to heaven or highway to hell? Benchmarking: An international Journal, Vol. 22(2), 170-185.
Parida, V., Rönnberg Sjödin, D., Wincent, J. & Kohtamäki, M. Mastering the transition towards industrial product-service provision: Insights into business models, learning activities and capabilities. Research Technology Management, 57(3), 44-52.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2013). Non-linear relationship between industrial service offering and sales growth: The moderating role of network capabilities. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(8), 1374–1385.
Parida, V., Wincent, J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2013). Offshoring and Improvisational Learning: Empirical Insights into Developing Global R&D Capabilities. Industry & Innovation, 20(6), 544–562.
Huikkola, T., Ylimäki, J., & Kohtamäki, M. (2013). Joint learning in R&D collaborations and the facilitating relational practices. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(7), 1167–1180.
Kohtamäki, M., Partanen, J., & Möller, K. (2013). Making a profit with R&D services — The critical role of relational capital. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(1), 71–81.