Silent Engine

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Noise from marine traffic has an ill effect on the surrounding environment. Reduced engine noise improves travelling comfort too. Business Finland has granted funding to the University of Vaasa for the Silent Engine research project. Together with partners, the University of Vaasa with its VEBIC laboratories will seek new silent and vibration-free solutions to help the Finnish powertrain industry meet the criteria set for noise, vibration, and sustainability.

The Silent Engine project aims to develop silent and vibration-free innovations by fast-tracking, that is parallel development instead of slow, incremental improvement. 

With novel combustion technologies, noise is more of a constraint in reaching zero emissions than the exhaust components. The project aims to remove this roadblock for future powertrains but also emphasise new quality in coordinated noise, vibration, and performance research. This methodological development is important so that in the future, the control complexity can be handled better and even more superior propulsion systems can be created.

As the primary research actor in Silent Engine, the University of Vaasa will handle two key phenomena that cause engine noise – the so-called airborne noise and exhaust noise. Vibration excitations and related structure-borne noise will be handled by Wärtsilä and Vibrol in connected company projects.

­The Silent Engine project creates high-level expertise in noise and vibration management for the industry to meet the tightening noise emission requirements. In Finland, there is a lack of competence and resources when it comes to noise and vibration. It is expected that the results of this project will have a significant impact on the development of industrial competitiveness. The project will promote the transition to carbon-neutral fuels in the industry.

The Silent Engine project is directly linked to the Business Finland Veturi ecosystem “Zero Emission Marine” (ZEM) programme initiated by Wärtsilä (2022–2025). Silent Engine contributes in several ways. For instance, Silent Engine secures real-world emission (including noise) compliance for technologies which enable the introduction of green fuels – one of the main focuses of the university’s research platform VEBIC.

Project duration
External funding
1 023 710€
External funding for the University of Vaasa
1 023 710€
Total budget
1 331 015€
Total budget for the University of Vaasa
1 331 015€
Units and groups
Project actors at the University of Vaasa
Technology and Innovations
Renewable energy
Organisation coordinating the project