UN sustainable development goal: Partnerships for the goals
The University of Vaasa stands out for its extensive and diverse partnership with the business community. For the past two decades, the Strategic Business Development research group has actively advanced the field of research in service business, digital service business, and business collaboration. The University of Vaasa’s experts help businesses and other communities expand their operations through a number of projects. Our experts worked with the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia to create an innovative model for supporting regions in adopting smart specialisation policies.

Neurodiversity at the University of Vaasa: Diversity enriches the learning environment
UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Humanity faces significant challenges because of its own actions. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development addresses these challenges with a lofty objective: to place global development on a path to ensure human well-being and human rights, economic prosperity, and social stability in an environmentally sustainable manner. These are the challenges that the University of Vaasa is also addressing. Click on the icons below to see examples of our sustainability work.